jeudi 26 juin 2014


To go with the flow: Osho Zen Card: 

Every moment in life we have a choice whether to enter life's waters and float, or to try to swim upstream. When this card appears in a reading it is an indication that you are able to float now, trusting that life will support you in your relaxation and take you exactly where it wants you to go. Allow this feeling of trust and relaxation to grow more and more; everything is happening exactly as it should.

Trust will be my word for July.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to trust, trust ourselves, trust our heart, our gut feeling. Trust that we are at the right place at the right time. No matter what. Trust that we're doing the right thing according to us. Life according to me. Because this is my life. I'm the one who is living it, nobody else is in my shoes and I'm in the shoes of no one. To trust our inner voice in other words to follow our heart.

jeudi 19 juin 2014

Follow your heart

Sometimes by following your heart, you risk of losing your mind. To think that the impossible is possible. Or is it just a mirage. Keep calm and follow your heart. Breathe it's all good because everything is happening exactly as it should. I don't have any answer. I don't know what tomorrow will be. But I live now. I decided to follow my heart and not my logic, to stop being scared and to trust. To jump in the unknown. I'm not moving. I'm being patient, trusting the universe and being at peace. 
That's it that's all.
Osho Zen Card, Patience: There are times when the only thing to do is to wait. The seed has been planted, the child is growing in the womb, the oyster is coating the grain of sand and making it into a pearl.

This card reminds us that now is a time when all that is required is to be simply alert, patient, waiting. The woman pictured here is in just such an attitude. Contented, with no trace of anxiety, she is simply waiting. Through all the phases of the moon passing overhead she remains patient, so in tune with the rhythms of the moon that she has almost become one with it. She knows it is a time to be passive, letting nature take its course. But she is neither sleepy nor indifferent; she knows it is time to be ready for something momentous. It is a time full of mystery, like the hours just before the dawn. It is a time when the only thing to do is to wait.

vendredi 13 juin 2014


I want to make something clear. I may sound shallow not commenting on politics or else. Don't get me wrong I'm well aware of what's going on. At the same time, I don't have much influence on the order of the world. Nonetheless, I have an impact with my own behaviour. I believe in changing ourselves before changing the world. I believe in transmission, in education and evolution. I believe in a better world. I believe that change begins with our children. Children are the living message we send to a time we will not see. I find what's happening in Irak appalling. It's a disaster, terrible disaster. Syria another disaster. But I still have faith among this chaos. I always thought if I stop to believe who will. And if I have to be the last so be it. Doing my things. No matter what. Everything worth having takes time. Nothing comes easy. But I believe that everything is happening exactly as it should. We can't see the big picture because we're in the middle of it. And do what we do when we do the things we do. Do the right thing, be good, be nice be authentic.

jeudi 12 juin 2014

I declare world peace

I really don't know if certain things said and done are unforgivable or if certain things shouldn't be forgiven, I guess it's our choice, to forgive or not. All i know it's a feeling of liberty and relief to actually forgive someone. By forgiving we let go and by doing so we set our spirit free. Maybe the right term is not to forgive but to make peace. Making peace is a powerful feeling. Making peace with ourself first of all. Because the thought of making peace should be our sole idea. We don't need the other person to make peace with us, we just need to make peace with them. By doing so, we do not install indifference but peace. Not to confuse one with the other. To make peace is a gift we give to ourselves. I wanna be at peace and I wanna be happy and I wanna be in love but that's another story. So Shalom Salam.  Peace and love always. 

jeudi 5 juin 2014


To jump in the emptyness and by doing so, to have faith that every thing will be fine. To jump because you trust. To trust that what you see is real, that what you feel is real, that what you hear is real, but most of all that he's for real. That you're watching the same movie, surfing on the same vibe. To open your heart and soul to someone is the scariest yet most beautiful thing. There can be no love without trust. So to love you don't have any other choice but to jump. People prefer to stay safe on the ground. Fuck friend is the new modern relationship. It's easy because there is no involvement, no love no trust needed. Pure and simple sex. No vulnerability, no fragility. Nothing given nothing taken. No emotions. No tenderness. No communication, connection apart from the motion of sex. Touching your body but not your soul. To let someone in, to let go of the ego, to trust that what you see, hear and feel is real. That he's for real. To abandon yourself to someone, is the scariest yet most beautiful thing to do.