What else. I won in court friday against all odds that was nice. Felt like a miracle. Life has it's own rythme. Friday the 10th I went at la cour municipale de Montréal to contest a noise ticket I had from my neighbour. I seat in the courtroom with my little one. The judge comes. The prosecutor says all the files they have. The judge tells the prosecutor to meet each of us to discuss of our file. When she comes to me she hands me my file and I look and I think it doesnt look good. It says that I slammed the door at the face of the constable, the dog was barking, they could hear the noise from outside. But i decide to pursue since I'm there I have nothing to lose, She says I have to present my case in front of the judge. When its my turn the judge looks at my files and says to the prosecutor that my previous tickets are there that they have nothing to do with the case and hes not supposed to see that and ask her to talk to me and leave. The prosesutor tells the judge my mistake I'm sorry my mistake. Anyhow she had to acquit me because of that. Westmount were greedy put everything and it went right back in their face: In your face clown. Thats what I call Karma Miracle :)
I always said life has it's own ryhtme I say furthermore the universe has it's own rythme.