dimanche 28 février 2016

mardi 23 février 2016

dimanche 14 février 2016


I heard in a video recently that the goal of life is the go through challenges. A friend told me once that sometimes it feels like we arrived for a little while, it all seems so peaceful and smooth, and then suddenly, without any warning signals, unexpectedly, you're pushed off guard yet once again. When the going gets tough the tough get going. We can't ever give up. I'm going through a certain amount of difficulty. It's been a year so far of transformation, like it or not, I have no choice, I've been thrown out of my job, no more contract, and my place, it's given to my landlord's son. After 10 years. I'm thinking if it 's happening like that it's because that's the way it's suppose to happen. I read on Rob Brezsny horoscope that last year was a year of physical transformation and this year of soul transformation. Life is pushing me to change level, sort to speak. But I'm scared. Scared i won't be up the challenge. Scared i'll fall instead of rising. Scared I'll fell the test. But I can't give up. I have responsibilities. First of all I'm a mom and the sole chief of my family. I'm the father and the mother. That's all good. I rather have it that way. I'm the only one in control of my children. Like I always say kids are a privilege but a responsibility too. It goes together I guess. Second of all I'm a warrior always have always will. I'm a survivar. I ain't anybody. It's like a rebirth. The baby also has to struggle to get out of his mom's womb. In Kabbalah it is said that the micro is a reflection of the macro and vice and versa the same idea the man is made in G-d's image. I often think of it. I find it to be so true. It is so strange to think that we are made of star's dust. Atoms. Energy. The idea is to keep surfing on the good energy. I pray and meditate do yoga exercise, stretching every morning now. Faith. It's all good because everything is happening as it should. As long as I move forward. One step at the time. Don't be scared. 
Psalm 23:4: Even if I shall walk in the valleys of the shadows of death, I will not be afraid of evil, because you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me

jeudi 4 février 2016

The pursuit of happiness

It's been a very long time since the last time I wrote on this blog. 4 months exactly. IT's about time to be back. I believe in pauses. The pauses are as much needed sometimes than the action. The same way the white between the letters or the space between the words is as essential as the black of the letters or the words themselves. 

I realized that there is no evil. The evil doesn't exist only the ego exists. I learned recently that the two worst traits of character is anger and loftiness. Anger is born when things don't go the way we intend them and loftiness out of the sense of our own importance. There is no evil because G-d is one and all existence is born from Him and depends of Him. We are our own creator of hell or paradise. 

Watched Lost for the first time lately the whole 6 seasons. Really interesting serie. So many levels of time, of space, of life situation, family situation, realities, dimensions going on all intertwined. Great cast. The roles were created for them. They chose an actor and imagined his role from him or her. The scenario were changed for them. Made me think of Kabbalah. For some reason. 

Getting more following on instagram, so much more effective than Facebook. Changed the music section on the website. Looking much better, getting there. Asked a few more djs to do mixes for MBRTRB. Doesn't matter the length of the step as long as it is forward. It is a time of change now. I have to find a new job and I have to find a new place. But when there is change, it is because it is time to change level. It ends only to begin again.