It's been almost 5 months since the last day of my contract. I'm slowly adapting myself to the new situation and although I'm still in a financial mess, I'm learning a lot I like my new job. I got into the rythme of having a strict schedule, an apron to wear, my coworkers and my boss. It's fine. It's quite physical but I don't mind. I'm in good shape. I'm watching lots of videos on youtube people who were sent to prison for whatever and how the came out of it. It is quite interesting and ones about people who escaped from Prison. I'm glad someone thought of giving them a voice. 2 visions in a way. I'm thinking I"m in a sort of the same position where I'm in a position I didn't choose but I have to deal with. It's all in the attitude. How we take it. What we do of it. Do we learn or not. No rush. I learned to be patient. Life has it's own rythme. And at the same time create a movement. Because we can't be static. Stay in one place forever. If not physically mentally at least.There's all sort of ways to travel. I know as a fact that travelling is overrated. Of course when you live it it's nice but it doesn't give much afterward only the memories and the pictures. Some of the most open minded people have never travelled I'm sure. One has nothing to do with the other. Travelling is an egoistic pleasure.Some of the most depressed too. I'm thinking one day at the time. From now to now. From here to there. One step at the time. Thinking I shouldn't be scare because the light is in every of my step.