samedi 8 mars 2014

Women sexuality

I thought women's day was an appropriate day to talk about women's sexuality.   I don't mean, women acting as sexual object but women who actually like to have sexual intercourse. Not as a self destruction act, or as a sense of sacrifice, like in the movie Nymphomaniac that I haven't seen but knowing how Charlotte Gainsbourg is discovered at the end of her journey, i get the idea, but as a pleasurable and natural activity. I feel men are still scared of a sexual woman, claiming the sexual behaviour to be their exclusively their own field. Some men still have the idea that a woman is at their service sexually and that their pleasure is the only one valid. I remember in the movie The Wolfe of Wall street how Di Caprio after having a 2 minutes intercourse with his future wife calls it making love. Men often see the sexual act as a representation of their power over women and not as an act of intimacy and deep communion of the flesh and even more of the soul. Furthermore, strangely, some men don't respect the women who sleeps with them. I always thought that a woman accepting to open her legs, to offer the sacred among the sacred, demands respect. I don't say love, maybe it has nothing to do with love and solely with pure sexual pleasure, but respect that's for sure. I read recently that love without sex exists but sex without love shouldn't. I don't know about that, like Brel said: il faut bien que le corps exulte. Meaningless sex can be very exciting, but i would say, certainly sex without respect shouldn't be. 
Women love sex as much as men. The difference is that a woman will always respect the man she sleeps with but the contrary is not always the case. 

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