mercredi 16 avril 2014

The truth has no path

I want to make something clear, we all come with a certain background, cultural, religious, race, gender etc. And although i won't hide the fact that I'm a woman, I won't hide the fact that I'm jewish but also part Palestinian, French and Scottish. As it is often said Jesus was jewish. Did it stop him to speak an universal language. I doubt it. I take my jewish identity as a rich heritage full of very deep teaching and truth. You shall not do to others what you don't want them to do to you, is its primary lesson. I wanna feel free to talk about certain concept of judaism that I find interesting because that's where I come from, not as I mean to convert anyone or to change anyone beliefs. God forbid. 
Freedom of thought I think is another fundamental rule of mine. 
I always welcome everyone wherever they came from as long as they were genuine souls.
I like to keep my mind open. I learn from everything and everybody. Good and bad.
Maybe I'll read the Coran and learn more about Islam. 
The truth has no path. Meaning there's an infinity of roads that leads to the truth. Take anyone you like. I'm not there to ask you to take mine. 
Keep the spirit. 
Peace and love

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