What I want to address is the notion of satisfaction through material things against the notion of the fulfilment of the soul.
Instant satisfaction, our commercial society is based on it. Happiness through consumption. I buy this dress, I feel good about myself, I'm happy. But the feeling of happiness goes away fast. The fulfilment was instant but it's a superficial feeling, it goes away like smoke. The same thing with drugs. Baudelaire use to call them artificial paradise which is exactly what it is.
I buy the dress I'm happy for a while but that feeling disappear fast once I'm used to it so I want another one and another and another. Because that happiness is based on emptiness on something superficial that can't fulfil the soul.
That's why the people who based their happiness on what they have and not on what they are, are often sad and sour because they're constantly unsatisfied. Running after a mirage.
When you fulfil the soul by doing meditation, yoga, praying, exercising, walking, creating, or even just breathing the feeling comes from within. Suddenly you need less and feel more. You liberate yourself from the toxins and you turn yourself inside instead of being outside.
The difficulty is that we exist by the eyes of others and we define ourselves with the eyes of others. Often by buying certain things, we establish our social status. We gain assurance by having certain luxury items that attract envy and desire. The more eyes turn on us the more we fell powerful.
The idea is to be confident because of who we are and not because of what we have. Attract the eyes of others because of who we are and not because of what we have. And that only the strong succeed to do it. To live by the others without the others. Because of a certain way of being or a certain attitude, because of certain freedom that we exhale, independence and individuality. By our strength of being.
I'm not saying that we should say no to all comfort and beautiful things. Me the first, love beauty, but we shouldn't define ourselves by it. Enjoy it but not put our own being into it. We are not objects how expensive they can be, but human beings. We shouldn't get blinded by the glitters and the shining and be slaves of fake satisfactions. What is left if we take all the external additions, are we left with an empty shell ?
To be rich is not having the choice to go on vacation or not, or to buy that dress or not, to be rich is to have the choice to be who we want to be and to be courageous enough to live our truth. We have to aim for the soul. We have to aim for the fulfilment of the soul. Being somebody just because we are. I remember a song that use to play in clubs in the 90s, everybody wants to be somebody, and I was singing in my head, everybody is somebody because they are. I am because I am. I am because we are.
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