mardi 4 août 2015

A walk into the unknown

First t-shirts are going to djs and producers in Europe by monday the 10th of August. Edited pictures from the photoshoot by friday. Getting there slowly but surely

So why a sheep? Why a pink sheep? I was thinking of a logo for MBRTRB short for members of the tribe. The black sheep came to mind. The rebellious one the one who goes against the stream also the sheep is a placid animal hes vegan not agressive. I chose pink for practical reason it goes on black or white and also because im a girl and i see la vie en rose. 
That sheep is a reminder that you dont have to look different to be different.

The word for the month of august will be loyalty in a wide way. Loyalty towards us and towards others. I am sometimes guilty of betraying myself to please others. My Osho Horoscope says to let go of given ideas or borrowed ideas. Says Who at the end that's the real question. A friend told me once when you receive a gift all there is to say is thank you. You can't refuse a gift. Sometimes I forget to follow my heart in the names of conformity. Im an anti conformist but sometimes I get scared of my own self. I stop and I think am I completely out of my mind...Self doubt is the worst. On one hand you don't wanna be completely delusional but on the other hand you have to believe in yourself. It's a fine line. I had two amazing grand mothers, out of the ordinary. That's my lineage. So I guess the idea is to breath in breath out stay true to who I am and keep the spirit. Let's see where it goes. I try to see the big picture, put everything into perspective. But who am I to know. I don't know nothing. 
Honorary member of the month will be Kate Hudson because of her role in almost famous her freedom her good vibes and because of her beach girl life style. 

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