The only thing I would like to post on women's day is that I find it very strange and sad to see women either naked or in very little apparel being portrayed as strong women or women in charge. I find it quite to be the contrary. If we are truly strong as women, we have no need to show our body as a proof of it. It is funny to see what is suppose to be sacred is exposed now to everyone everywhere like it or not. It is pollution of the sight. We are becoming so used to it that when I ask my daughter to watch the lyrics of a video instead of the video showing asses or breasts of girls dancing in bikinis, my daughter didn't understand why... I don't want to sound like an uptight prude but there is no more respect for the women's body on the undercover of women's power. Women has to take control of their body again. It is one thing to undress yourself in a strip club it is another to simply show your naked self on Instagram or else. If you know what I mean. Nakedness is not for the public place. And I mean it even more for women who are mothers and have to set an example for their children especially their girls.
Those selfies are becoming a true sickness. The sickness of Narcisse. Certain people I guess are so empty in their own life that the only way they feel they exist is by the likes they get on social medias. It is very depressing when you think about it.
Otherwise I think that it is great that we live in the time of the Geek rule because one of my daughter wants to be a scientist.
I find a place. Now I have to find a job.
Instagram is moving forward 184 followers. Slowly but little by little day after day.
When people use to ask me what I did in life: I use to answer...I live, it keeps me busy.
I thought about, why I find myself in the kind of situations I'm in and I came to the conclusion that I like difficulties, because I'm an adventurer. The paved light up roads don't interest me. I'm scared I'll be bored, and boredom is death for me.
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