dimanche 6 septembre 2015

About Freedom and my birthday

I haven't written for a while. My computer was broken and my bathroom in renovation for 2 months...It's my birthday today and my 2 amazing brothers got me a computer MacAir mucho love and my bathroom is beautiful and done. 

The word of this month is freedom and the honorary member of the month are the migrants. Because everyone is entitled to live in a peaceful environment where men are free to choose the life they wanna live. I've been listening a lot to the new Pharrell Williams song: Freedom. He's been doing anthem lately with happy last year and freedom this year but I love his message. Such positive vibes. I wish he would dedicate that song to all the migrants who are risking their life to be free. It's a time of awakening, a time of transformation, movement, of the worst and the best. I'm finally and officially divorced. I'm a free woman at last. It's a time of renewal with the jewish new year coming next sunday. A time of cleansing, of introspection, leaving the old to live the new. I have the feeling I have finally arrived somewhere. Of course I have arrived only to start again but nonetheless. I'm beginning to control destructive mood like in my younger year. I know I can't relapse. Because of you I walk the line. Something strange happened in my life last year the 25th of may 2014. I have no clue why it happened but it did and it made my life better. Whatever comes from it. Like a friend told me once when you receive a gift from the universe or God however you want to name it you just say thank you, Barush Hashem, Hamdoulillah. What's true love? How do you define it? Is love absolute? Yes the kind of love I'm talking about is absolute. Because the soul has no age. I always felt since I was a child that I was an old soul. That I've been on earth many times before. As a teenager I loved reading books on autistic kids. They fascinated me. I always felt on the verge. Borderliner. Not totally in. I'm talking about feelings, impressions, sensations. Living more on intuition than on plans, more on vision than on path. So freedom for all creatures for Kazhan the elephant and the migrants. It should be a world where everyone and everything have the right to live freely. 

And remember: 

1 commentaire:

  1. Amor es desear lo mejor para el prójimo (tu pareja, tu amigo, tus hijos, tu ex-pareja, tus vecinos, los vecinos de tus vecinos, los amigos de tus amigos), sin importar cómo te encuentras tu, por muy mal que te encuentres. Eso es Amor.
    Libertad es poder hacer lo que quieras, cuando quieras, con quien quieras, siempre de manera positiva, sin ofender a nadie, y procurando lo mejor para todos, con equidad.
    Me gusta tu blog. Gracias por unas reflexiones tan personales y tan profundas.
    Feel the vibes ;)
