So for those who don't know according to the jewish calendar we're in 5776. The word of October will be Respect and the honorary member the children of the world. Nothing is unchangeable. It's up to us to put a stop on the things we don't like, stop compromising. The courage to change and to demand respect. It's about respect. Respect is at the foundation of the Golden rule. Not to do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you. Respect is a forgotten word. There's certain things that are sacred like the earth, life in all it's form especially children. Children are the most special life of all. The most sacred. The children are the living message that we are sending to a time we will not see. Better be a healthy message and not a broken message. Respect of our relationships too. t's not because everything is permitted that it gives us the right to do whatever the fuck we want not if it means the lack of respect anyhow. Respect comes before trust. Without respect trust is impossible. Respect has to be implemented again in our lives.
On the subject of gossiping, in judaism gossiping is highly prohibited. I hate hypocrites, people who talk behind you're back, projecting they're own flaws on you, cowards, to all of you motherfuckers you should know better.
I'm the master of my life, I have the choice to live it accordingly to my values and my beliefs and how I decide to live it concerns only me and who I love concerns only me.
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