mardi 29 septembre 2015

Respect and other subject

So for those who don't know according to the jewish calendar we're in 5776. The word of October will be Respect and the honorary member the children of the world. Nothing is unchangeable. It's up to us to put a stop on the things we don't like, stop compromising. The courage to change and to demand respect. It's about respect. Respect is at the foundation of the Golden rule. Not to do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you. Respect is a forgotten word. There's certain things that are sacred like the earth, life in all it's form especially children. Children are the most special life of all. The most sacred. The children are the living message that we are sending to a time we will not see. Better be a healthy message and not a broken message. Respect of our relationships too. t's not because everything is permitted that it gives us the right to do whatever the fuck we want not if it means the lack of respect anyhow. Respect comes before trust. Without respect trust is impossible. Respect has to be implemented again in our lives. 
On the subject of gossiping, in judaism gossiping is highly prohibited. I hate hypocrites, people who talk behind you're back, projecting they're own flaws on you, cowards, to all of you motherfuckers you should know better.
I'm the master of my life, I have the choice to live it accordingly to my values and my beliefs and how I decide to live it concerns only me and who I love concerns only me.

dimanche 6 septembre 2015

About Freedom and my birthday

I haven't written for a while. My computer was broken and my bathroom in renovation for 2 months...It's my birthday today and my 2 amazing brothers got me a computer MacAir mucho love and my bathroom is beautiful and done. 

The word of this month is freedom and the honorary member of the month are the migrants. Because everyone is entitled to live in a peaceful environment where men are free to choose the life they wanna live. I've been listening a lot to the new Pharrell Williams song: Freedom. He's been doing anthem lately with happy last year and freedom this year but I love his message. Such positive vibes. I wish he would dedicate that song to all the migrants who are risking their life to be free. It's a time of awakening, a time of transformation, movement, of the worst and the best. I'm finally and officially divorced. I'm a free woman at last. It's a time of renewal with the jewish new year coming next sunday. A time of cleansing, of introspection, leaving the old to live the new. I have the feeling I have finally arrived somewhere. Of course I have arrived only to start again but nonetheless. I'm beginning to control destructive mood like in my younger year. I know I can't relapse. Because of you I walk the line. Something strange happened in my life last year the 25th of may 2014. I have no clue why it happened but it did and it made my life better. Whatever comes from it. Like a friend told me once when you receive a gift from the universe or God however you want to name it you just say thank you, Barush Hashem, Hamdoulillah. What's true love? How do you define it? Is love absolute? Yes the kind of love I'm talking about is absolute. Because the soul has no age. I always felt since I was a child that I was an old soul. That I've been on earth many times before. As a teenager I loved reading books on autistic kids. They fascinated me. I always felt on the verge. Borderliner. Not totally in. I'm talking about feelings, impressions, sensations. Living more on intuition than on plans, more on vision than on path. So freedom for all creatures for Kazhan the elephant and the migrants. It should be a world where everyone and everything have the right to live freely. 

And remember: 

vendredi 7 août 2015


If I let go of my fear and I open freely my mind I can fly very high. I use to fly so high that almost noone gave me an incentive to stay on earth. Disconnected. Wild. Les voies de Dieu sont impénétrables. Souvent je n'y comprends rien. Moi si j'y tenais mal mon rôle c'était de ni comprendre rien. No stress est ma nouvelle politique. It's all good. I'm thinking I must have done something good somewhere. I took great care of my grand father and my great aunt. I was very close to my maternal grand-mother the one who married a christian Palestinian. She was like a mother to me. Took me in twice. Loved her fourth husband Saul Cohen a Franc Maçon my confident, my mentor. When she passed away I decided to go back to judaism and my daughters with me since they were jewish by birth the same as me. No need for conversion. I asked the rabbi one question: does judaism believe in the transmutation of the soul. He said yes and I thought this was home. So when she passed away, I took care of her sister Jouji, older sister who lived the Second World War as a Hungarian jew and hid and went to camp with husband and her parents. It was the end of the war Auschwitz was taken by the Russians, no more convoy were sent, they survived. Jouji was a very strong head woman. No bullshit with Jouji. She was a tough cookie. Never had children. Only dogs and canaris all named Hansel.I stayed at the emergency with her praying that she wouldn't die but every time she came back. She passed away at 95. She was a brilliant woman very spoiled, raised by mademoiselle. Her cousin took care of her financially from the time her husband died until she passed away. Half of her life. She told me once: Never give up. I learned a lot from her. Always love older people when they're intelligent of course. Love the old people of my family. They're from a time that will never come back. 

jeudi 6 août 2015

We are all naked

“Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.”
― Charles Chaplin to his daughter Geraldine
In the absolute of course

The first step is always the hardest but then again what is there to lose...
Steve Jobs said that: in front of death you're already naked. What is there to lose? who said how it's suppose to be anyway. I think there must be a way to live outside of the box. Outside of the corporation, my way. To accept ourself is not such an easy thing sometimes. To accept ourselves fully. To let our crazyness come alive.We live in fear. Fear of rejection, fear of losing, fear born out of our ego. Because in front of death what is there to lose. We only have one life no less no more. So why not live it the way we want it. Because after all says who? Who is there to say how to live our life. There must be a place for the outsiders, the dream warriors, the soul searchers. A little place in paradise. Positive vibes only. I live in a positive world take your negativity away from me. Music is the soul vibrations. I'm a house junkie. I use to say the quest for the absolute. Is it to dream of an impossible dream, like Brel sang. Maybe but I think it's worth to try. Love is never a waste of time. Regardless of what my 16 years old daughter says. Because at the end there's something I always be able to say: thank god i'm a mother of 2 beautiful girls, angels in my life. Eternal love infinite love absolute love. The kind of love I'm talking about yes it's absolute. Birdman by Innaritu.Love that movie. Bought it. Watched it many times. In interview he said that fear was the condom of life. I kinda agree with him. With fear there's no life. He said when he was making Birdman he decided to make love and take out the condom because fear is the condom of life. Something like that. I don't know why I like that movie that much. Maybe because it talks about the meaning of life. The way it's constructed. The music. The special effects. The actors of course. The ultra realism and the fantastic mixed together. Interesting amalgam. 
After all love is there to be given not to keep for ourselves. So how is your love bank going? Have you been sharing a lot lately?
Spread the vibe Represent 1 love

mardi 4 août 2015

A walk into the unknown

First t-shirts are going to djs and producers in Europe by monday the 10th of August. Edited pictures from the photoshoot by friday. Getting there slowly but surely

So why a sheep? Why a pink sheep? I was thinking of a logo for MBRTRB short for members of the tribe. The black sheep came to mind. The rebellious one the one who goes against the stream also the sheep is a placid animal hes vegan not agressive. I chose pink for practical reason it goes on black or white and also because im a girl and i see la vie en rose. 
That sheep is a reminder that you dont have to look different to be different.

The word for the month of august will be loyalty in a wide way. Loyalty towards us and towards others. I am sometimes guilty of betraying myself to please others. My Osho Horoscope says to let go of given ideas or borrowed ideas. Says Who at the end that's the real question. A friend told me once when you receive a gift all there is to say is thank you. You can't refuse a gift. Sometimes I forget to follow my heart in the names of conformity. Im an anti conformist but sometimes I get scared of my own self. I stop and I think am I completely out of my mind...Self doubt is the worst. On one hand you don't wanna be completely delusional but on the other hand you have to believe in yourself. It's a fine line. I had two amazing grand mothers, out of the ordinary. That's my lineage. So I guess the idea is to breath in breath out stay true to who I am and keep the spirit. Let's see where it goes. I try to see the big picture, put everything into perspective. But who am I to know. I don't know nothing. 
Honorary member of the month will be Kate Hudson because of her role in almost famous her freedom her good vibes and because of her beach girl life style. 

jeudi 30 juillet 2015

samedi 25 juillet 2015

To every start there's a beginning of to every beginning there's a start

In Kabbalah (please understand that what I convey here my own understanding of Kabbalah) the little is a replica of the big or vice and versa. For example, man is made in the image of God. All the different levels have 4 worlds. Like our world has 4 worlds, the world of man, animal, vegetation and inanimate. All worlds very different from one another but nonetheless living with each other in harmony (If you don't include man's destruction of the nature). Also, it is said that God put in our world, our universe everything already, Like the waves of the web. Everything is ours to discover. I find that the web is another dimension. Virtual where communications of ideas exist without the physical approach, sex, age, status don't exist on the web per se. I like it. Makes it much more easier for me. Incognito, anonymity. But not only that. It's a quick world who knows no time, no distance and which gives the possibility to be connected to anyone anywhere. It's a world of exchange. I personally adore it. Kabbalah says that God created the world for mankind, the world exist for us. And this is why it is made that way. In Kabbalah, it is said also that made has total freedom of choices. We have a destiny written in the sky but we can change that at every moment of our life. Nothing is certain. Although old habits are hard to change it is possible to change them. Hard but not impossible. It is even possible to change our physical appearance (I'm not talking plastic surgery here or else). All the to say, God made the world for us to enjoy respecfully. The world is our playground wanna have fun?
First production done. Quite happy. Now I have to ship everything. I just hope they gonna like their t-shirt enough to wear them, a lot :). 

jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Time to step up

When I think of it, my attraction for assholes, is based on sexual attraction. I'm wondering if you have to be an asshole to fuck well because you're just enough disrespectful to be exciting. Than again I guess not. I know as a fact that I don't have to be a bitch. Also assholes are normally charming, good looking and intelligent. Like we say in French: qui est pris qui croyait prendre. But than again I'm getting really tired. I have to move forward. It's not a choice anymore it's a necessity. Because where I'm going there's no place for those. It was a comfort zone. At least with them I knew for sure what to expect. I'm not a fool. Maybe I'm afraid of a true relationship. That way it was convenient with the kids and all. It gave me a certain form of freedom. But then again, freedom I have anyway. They mix their reality with the reality. They don't see the variance, the subtile difference that this doesn't equal this. I don,t know if I could play poker well. I'm so used to play with my cards opened. I hide no joker, no surprise. So I guess the month of august will be about getting out of my comfort zone. Old habits are hard to change. But I'm getting way to old for that nonsense. I have no patience and no envy. Time to step up. 

mardi 21 juillet 2015


The hardest thing for me is to believe in me. I have period of doubts. What am I doing ? Am i doing the right thing, What if am totally off the point, what if it fails ? Am I completely delusional, but than again who said this was right and this is wrong, I do it from a good intention, I'm trying and let's see what happened. There's no good and bad when it comes to expressing oneself. We can choose whatever ways. It's all good. I hope that my message gets through. I hope I'll find a niche. A little territory of my own. First production for promotion this week. I'm financing. I'm thinking I'm asking them to represent me now. Let's see what happened. Let's see if they gonna like the look. I hope the printed result will be perfect. I have to choose the right vinyl also. Onwards and upwards like Josh Silver said. May God hear his good words. Promotion, marketing are not my forte because it's easier to dream than to act. Although I was a very good salesperson when I worked for Cartier and Vuitton. But I guess it's easier to sell somebody else's product especially when there well known entreprise then to sell your own and to risk rejection. But like we say in French: Qui ne risque rien n'a rien. New photoshoot also on sunday in studio this time with Sano, Chloé and Tarek. 2 of the same girls and one new guy, all friends of my 16 years old daughter. That's about it. Getting closer to 500: 497. 

samedi 18 juillet 2015

In the beginning there's was jack

In the beginning we don't know who's in front of us, the other entity, the other human being. We hear what the person says about himself, about you. But who knows maybe they are only sounds nice to the ear. In the beginning we can't know. We don't know who's in front of us. 
So in the beginning there was trust. Trust comes before love. Love takes time, because you have to be able to love the other as the other and not as a projection of yourself, before really being in love. Love is about the long term. Day after, day after day. Love is the greatest experience of all. But most of the people I know it seems doesn't want to live it anymore. My 16 years old daughter told me that love is a waste of time...Trust is the first real openness to the other. The first step deeper. The first vulnerability. Trust is the first covenant. There's no relation without a deep sense of trust. After that, all we can do is wait and see.
It's about trust
It's about faith
It's about love

mercredi 15 juillet 2015


At 10 years old, I was taken in the streets from the streets by a 40 years old man for a whole afternoon. He molested me, it was my first cunnilingus, for those who know what it means, but didn't rape me. After he took me almost back (yes I know weird, but thank God he did) and I made it alive, he asked me to kiss him and not to tell anyone. I ran home and asked God to forgive him because I thought that Jesus suffered more on the cross than me. Say What ?
Didn't know I was Jewish at the time. Went to College Jesus-Marie de Sillery a good only girls private school of Quebec. I spent 11 years there. I found out I was Jewish at 36 years old. Found out or made sense at the death of my jewish maternal grand-mother. My maternal grand-father was Palestinian from Haifa. Explosive mix. 
So I have jewish palestinian, From Bratislava and Haifa, feminine masculine, Marie and Pierre, french and english, Marie and Warren, being French but from Scottish ancestors, all sorts of opposites in my blood. It doesn't mean anything just funny. In Kabbalah exists the freedom of choices in everything. It's at the base of the creation of man. We are the master of our destiny. We decide. That's part of why God had to conceal itself to give man total freedom of choices. It is said also that the world began with the will of God for the world. And will is not part of anything, it exists by itself. I was always a strong person. Even at the small age of 10. I wonder sometimes if my voice didn't get stuck at that age. I have a little girl voice. How much was the impact of that event in my life. Did it affect my choice of men...will never know. Why did it happened? I don't know. I was always pretty wise alert and observer. What I know is that from that point I didn't want to be an adult. I prayed to be a boy for a year not to have breasts and menstruation. Didn't work. I thought the boys were so much cooler than the winy girls. Did it affect my sexuality, I don't know. I took sexuality from the beginning very naturally. My first lover wasn't my boyfriend. He said that my first time would be at level zero, after that it would either better or worse. He also use to say that the catholic church was the only multinational who had a corpse as a logo. Always loved that one. I remember it till that day.  In my twenties I use to say: I live like a whore without a sidewalk not that I was identifying with the whore but with the image. I was a rebel at heart. Wild and free. A bulldozer, a soul searcher, a dream warrior. I did it by being guided by the music I liked. I associated with people who liked the same music as me. Always electro, cold wave and than electro, acid house, house and today mainly deep house. So that's about it. Now is today. I have two girls, I'm happily divorced. And I want to kick ass. 
So spread the vibe, Represent peace and love always

To do what's right

To do what's right and not what's easy is often the hardest thing of all. Sometimes something good can be bad and vice versa. I just left something really good. It was a hard thing to do. I left it before it went bad because it would have ended bad. I couldn't ask from a young man not to sleep around and I couldn't be with a guy who's most likely to sleep around because that's what you do at that age. I had to set him free to do his things, live his life makes his mistakes, learn from experiences. I gonna miss him. I loved him maybe. Couldn't make myself love him to much. i didn't have the right to love him. So I did what was the right thing to do not the easiest. When you love someone you have to let him go sometimes. So now, what's next. Time will tell. I think now that my time is precious as I'm going older in age. I don't have time to lose. It's time to kick ass. David Penn liked my page. I'm ecstatic, speechless and honoured. He has 30000 followers on twitter and soundcloud, 55000 on FB. He's one of the biggest spanish DJ. Owner of Urbania Records and Urbania radio show. Starting with promotion through DJs from Montreal and all over the world. I have to put myself out there. Not easy for me. I'm quite a discreet person. It takes confidence to put yourself out of the shadow. I asked also Roger Sanchez. I know someone read my message but not feedback yet. I'm in love with his song Remember me. Love everything about it, lyrics, melody, video, voice. It could be my anthem. All that to say, one step at the time. From here to there, from now to now.

Remember Me

Like footprints in the sand
at the mercy of the waves out of our hands,
the ocean, its approaching,
the future's spoken,
so forever I will stand...
I was pushed into the shadows,
but I refused to hide away.
Now I'm rising,
new horizons,
just close you eyes, and
you'll see me again.
Please remember... me.
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
please remember... me.
I wanna live forever,
live forever,
please remember,
please remember... me.
I hope you remember...
I hope you remember,
please remember,
please remember,
please remember,
please remember,
please remember... me.
An echo over time,
memories replaying in your mind,
never fading
through all we're facing,
I'm saying here,
I'll never leave your side.
I'm under no illusion,
but we can still pretend,
we know the secret,
if we keep it,
our time will never end.
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
please remember... me.
I wanna live forever,
live forever,
please remember,
please remember... me.
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
I hope you remember,
I wanna live forever,
live forever,
live forever,
please remember... me.

Taken from 

lundi 13 juillet 2015


So I haven't written for a while. I was on vacation with my girls in Florida.It was amazing. We had a marvelous time. Made me want to do it more often. Funny how life goes. One thing leads to another. So I'm solo. Yaki is definitely out. For good this time. It's a relief. My youngest said It's time for Yaki to learn how to be alone. She's so wise. I tried. I did my best. But we can help only those who dont wanna be helped. Il faut être à la hauteur. People of exception are really rare. I wonder if it was always the case. I tried to be in line with what I say. Of course sometimes I make mistakes. I suppose it's normal even at my age. I always was an idealist. I always aimed for higher grounds. My head up in the sky. If they can't fly it's not my problem. I have no time to waste. If they can't follow there's nothing I can do. I do my things. For me the most important is to have no regrets because I did the right thing, I didn't hide anything or played some games. I did it from the heart. Because that's the only way I know to live. I always felt like a fallen angel kicked out of paradise trying to find its way home. Step by step, never losing faith. I'm an utopist. I believe in a better world. I believe that I can start to build it right now by the way I live. I believe that the good vibes feed the good vibes and the negative vibes feed the negatives vibes that we send to the universe. Because everything is energy. Positive or negative energy. I have no time to waste on negativity. I rather be alone. Like Jean-Paul Sartre, the french philosopher compagnon of Simone de Beauvoir, if you feel lonely when you're alone you're in bad company. 
Waiting to do my first production capital is the hardest thing at this point but I'm a very handy person.

jeudi 2 juillet 2015


The word for the month of July will be adventure and the honorary member will be Sir Richard Branson who is, in his own way, an activist and an idealist who ps the advocate of  the infinite possibility of life and of the human being. He always believed in adventure being an adventurer himself. 
Life is the ultimate adventure. The destination is the journey. 

Page of Rainbows: Adventure
When we are truly in a spirit of adventure, we are moving just like this child. Full of trust, out of the darkness of the forest into the rainbow of the light, we go step by step, drawn by our sense of wonder into the unknown. Adventure really has nothing to do with plans and maps and programs and organization.
The Page of Rainbows represents a quality that can come to us anywhere--at home or in the office, in the wilderness or in the city, in a creative project or in our relationships with others. Whenever we move into the new and unknown with the trusting spirit of a child, innocent and open and vulnerable, even the smallest things of life can become the greatest adventures.

Have fun, darling

mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Partnership has ended on a good note

The partnership ended on a common accord. Im too much ahead to start with someone new. We were on the same vibes but our aesthetic is not the same. So everything stays the same. The pink sheep remains solo. No black. Anyone who's affected in his manhood by the pink sheep Im sorry. The font stays the same. Although some changes I keep. The french version of about us, the Montreal charities, Sun Youth and old Brewery and the price at 25$. We exchanged very well for 2 weeks. It was good for me to have another point of view and I went along with it for a while. But I have to stay true to me. Because the concept comes from me. And Jamie, my web designer, God bless him whos also a genius, and I we worked on every detail together. It's my eternal insecurity. For a while I didn't trust myself because I'm a woman and I thought the point view of a man was predominant. What can I do years of brainwashing. Nonetheless it was worthwhile. We learn from everything if we listen well. So first production when I come back from Florida. No rush. 
Dissident for 2015: Nemtsov

The assassination of Boris Nemtsov, a Russian statesman and politician opposed to the government of Vladimir Putin, happened in central Moscow on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge at 23:31 local time on 27 February 2015.[4] An unknown assailant fired seven or eight shots; four of them hit Nemtsov in the head, heart, liver and stomach, killing him almost instantly. He died hours after appealing to the public to support a march against Russia's war in Ukraine.[5]

jeudi 25 juin 2015

To the soul searchers, the dream warriors, the party people

Saturday is the next meeting. Everything that needs to be finalized has to be finalized. Let's create a vibe, a local vibe, a global vibe, Each and everyone one of us in their own sphere. Let's kick ass. Let's take it to the next level. The future is now. 
I'm not here to tell you what to write you can write whatever you want. 
Like I say: I come from the upper world better known as the underground
To the soul searchers, the dream warriors, the party people
Spread the vibe
1 love


Members of the Tribe About us / À propos de nous

About us / À propos de nous

Members of the Tribe is a street wear clothing line dedicated to anti conformist minds, good vibe, party time, good time and dance based in Montreal/MTL. Members of the Tribe embraces everyone regardless of colours, gender, sexual orientation, religion and social status. Members of the Tribe is closely linked with the House movement that started in the 90s. Members of the Tribe believes that the world can be changed one step at the time.

Spread the vibe Represent 1 Love

Members of the Tribe, MBRTRB, est une ligne de vêtements street wear dédiée aux esprits anti conformistes, aux bonnes vibes, à la fête et la danse, basée à Montréal/MTL. Members of the Tribe accueille tout le monde peu importe, la couleur, le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle, la religion ou le statut social. Members of the Tribe est intimement lié au mouvement House des années 90s. Members of the Tribe croit que le monde peut être changé un pas à la fois.

Spread the vibe, Represent, 1 love

Charity / Charité

10% of our net profits will be given to charities based in Montreal because we believe in helping people from where we are from and because changes begin within our community and neighborhood. Anything we can do better the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters we will do, especially the mothers and children. And we will represent.

10% de nos profits nets seront versés à des charités basées à Montreal parce que nous croyons qu'il faut d'abord aider nos concitoyens and parce que les changements commencent dans nos communautés et quartiers. Tout ce que nous pouvomns faire pour aider nos frères et soeurs, spécialement les mères et les enfants. Et nous représentons.

Old Brewery and Sun Youth

About our t-shirts / À propos de nos t-shirts

We only use high quality t-shirts from Gildan, a Montreal Company, eco-friendly and sweatashop free.
Size small to XL 2XL and more upon request
V neck available
Colours upon request

Nous tulisons exclusivement des t-shirts de haute qualité Gildan, une compagnie montréalaise, eco-friendly et sweatshop free.
Taille small à XL 2XL et plus sur demande
Col V disponible
Couleurs sur demande


Members of the Tribe welcomes collaboration with compagnies who share the same vision
Special and limited edition upon request

Members of the Tribe accepte les collaborations avec des compagnies qui partagent la même vision.
Édition spéciale et limitée sur demande

mercredi 24 juin 2015

Photoshoot and first production

It only takes one person to start a motion. But as we say, united we stand stronger. Alone we go faster together we go further. 

Photoshoot in preparation with Sano, Frank and Chloé, from the first photoshoot and Christopher Morrison, our photograph from the first photoshoot as well with the new image. Going to look for the location this week in the city. Waiting for the new logo and the new styles. First production the 2nd of July God willing. Let's pray that God is with us on that one. 

dimanche 21 juin 2015

À propos


Members of the Tribe, MBRTRB,  est une ligne de vêtements et d’accessoires pour esprit anti-conformiste, dédié aux bonne vibes, à l’esprit festif, au party et à la danse.                             

Members of the Tribe est ouvert à tous peu importe leur couleur, genre, l’orientation sexuelle, la religion  ou le statut social

Members of the Tribe est intimement lié au mouvement house

 Members of the Tribe croit que le monde peut être réparé un pas à la fois

Spread the vibes




10% des profits nets sont versés à des charités basées à Montréal parce que nous croyons qu’il est important d’aider les gens de notre communauté et parce que le changement commence d’abord dans nos quartiers. Tout ce que nous pouvons faire pour aider nos frères et sœurs, nous le ferons, parce que nous représentons.

À propos de nos t-shirts
Nous utilisons des t-shirts de haute qualité Gildan. Gildan est une des plus grosse compagnies au monde de t-shirt, basée à Montréal.
Sweatshop free.
Taille Small à XL- commandes spéciales pour 2XL et plus
Col en V disponible

Autres couleurs disponibles sur commande

About us

Members of the Tribe

Members of the Tribe, MBRTRB, is a street clothing line and accessories for anti conformist minds good vibes, fiesta, party time, and dance.
Members of the Tribe embraces everyone regardless of color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or social status. 
Members of the Tribe believe that the world can be repaired one step at time
Spread the vibes Represent
1 love
10% of our net profits will be donated to charities based in Montreal because we believe in helping people from where we're from and because change begins within our neighborhood or community. Anything we can do to better the lives or our fellow brothers and sisters, we will do, especially for the mothers and children. And we will represent. 

About our T-shirts

We use only high-quality Gildan shirts. Size small to XL - special orders for 2xl and up.
V neck available
Colours available upon request


MBRTRB also welcomes collaboration with companies that share the same vision.
Special edition, limited edition upon request

samedi 20 juin 2015

Time to wake up

Progress with Yaki Vanga, AKA creative director for Members of the Tribe, AKA SmilinJack360, has been made today on Members of the Tribe​. Logo is starting to take shape. Font has been chosen for Members of the Tribe with a tribal vibe, also the choice will be available for either pink or black sheep. V neck has been added and other colours upon request The font will always be changed depending on the style of each t-shirt. Going strong on the concept of the black sheep, the ones that does his thing and can't be bothered with bullshit. 
We will keep you posted with the development as we go along.
Step by step moment to moment.
About us will be translated in French. Montreal is a bilingual city after all. People switch in the same sentence from French to English all the time. Makes no difference for them. 
Keep the spirit, go your way and don't forget to Represent
People of the underground it's time to wake up. It is very dark outside.

vendredi 19 juin 2015


One line that describes my state of mind these days is: Says who
 I believe in a strong identity and the total acceptance of the others as long as they don't oppress their fellow brothers and sisters. It is said that God created man from his image and from that single source not one humans is alike. We are all unique and it is that uniqueness that makes us essential to the whole. Who Am I to judge and who are you to judge me...Says who
The idea is to be alive before we die. To do good, what's right, spread love, 1 love. In front of death what could scare us?
It is a love revolution. Souls need to connect and to unite. We need to represent to go all out, to rock that boat and to make a change. A positive change towards better time. We wanna have fun, we wanna have a party because this is our life, our time. 

Logo will be changed to black sheep for guys pink for girls. It will state:
members of the Tribe with the either one of the sheep. Bottom front left.

Changes coming on the website soon.
10% of net profits given to 2 charities of Montreal: Old Brewery who helps the homeless and Sun Youth for kids and families. 

mardi 16 juin 2015

What's New

Very excited with the What's New section on the website, the new collaboration
with La Pitti records and a special mix by Vincenzo de Robertis on the website.
La Pitti Records is an independent digital Italian label specializing in Deep House music. Our sound is purely Deep House, ranging from underground house.
info e contact:

Of course Jose Maria Ramon is there with links to his website free downloads of his mixes and Soundcloud.
New partnership with Yaki, Similin Jack,  who's gonna help me as director of Marketing.
The logo will be placed at the bottom left front of the t-shirt and will state:
Members of the Tribe with the sheep.

Mixes by Big Al coming up soon
10% of the net profits will be donated to charities from Montreal

T-shirts sold for 25$ plus shipping 
V neck also available
Colours upon request
Wishing and hoping that you will all represent and remember that 10% will be  the most needy, kids, mothers and everybody who needs support. Like Old Brewery Montreal, Sun Youth in Montreal.