vendredi 11 juillet 2014


I'm profoundly sad with with the confrontation between Israel and Gaza. I also know that world peace begins individually. It has to start with ourselves in our life. How can we demand world peace if we can't do it in our own life, if we can't forgive or if we can't move beyond our differences whatever they are. I have friends on FB both muslims and jewish and christians. They take position either for Israel or the Palestinians. i think that war should be condamned and this is why I'm not taking sides. The only side I'm on is peace. No children should be living among bombs and terror whether they are jewish or muslims. There is no excuse no reason that can justify children, families, civilians dying because of war. I think to take sides only enhance the hate and doesn't solve anything quite the contrary. We should be united as part of the human race toward peace and unity. We should be carrying the light instead of encouraging destruction and hatred and death. We should be each in our life be working for a better world starting with ourselves with our own behaviour. It takes courage. it takes a will of change. It takes forgiveness. I asked myself recently what is absolutely unforgivable. How can I ask for world peace if in my own life if I'm still hold anger towards certain people, if I can't let go of the anger.
I'm not taking sides. The side I'm on is peace. And this is what I'm praying for. Salam Shalom

mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Inch Allah

The ways of God are impenetrable. Who would knew. The future is not ours to see. Inch Allah. To do what we say and to say what we do. To do the right thing not what comes easy. To get out of our comfort zone and not to care about anybody's opinion but our own. To follow our heart. To believe in God. I believe in God. God is there in each of my step so I'm not afraid.