mercredi 31 décembre 2014

The purpose of life is to create magic and by doing so our paradise

The purpose of life is to live our life true but I'll add the purpose of life is to spread good vibes and by spreading good vibes to create magic and with magic our paradise.
Magic will be the word of January and the honorary members will be Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Richard Branson for the involvement in the Giving Pledge foundation.

Buffett is now the world's most generous man. Go big or go home seems to be Warren Buffett's mantra when it comes to philanthropy.

Buffett’s generosity and leadership has been instrumental in convincing a total of 122 billionaires, with a net worth of more than $600 billion, to join the Giving Pledge since he and Bill Gates launched that initiative in 2010. 
Microsoft MSFT +0.84% cofounder Bill Gates has given away more than $28 billion, comfortably making him the world’s greatest living philanthropist
People need to lead a healthy life to be able to work, develop a family, study and develop a business,” says Polverini. “But once they are able to have that life, they need financial services to help the, build on that life. That’s why the FSP strategy touches upon all the other strategies of the foundation from agriculture to health and education. Having the ability to access to financial services connects people to all the other things that are necessary in our lives.”
The Virgin Media boss and his wife Joan, have joined Microsoft founder Bill Gates - said to be worth over $62 billion - and U.S. investor Warren Buffet, who trails in with $55 billion, as part of the Giving Pledge.
Like Richard Branson says: "It's not stuff that makes us happy, Family, friends, good health and the satisfaction that comes from making a positive difference are what really matters".
“As and when we take monies out of the Virgin Group of companies the majority of it will be invested in entrepreneurial approaches to help make a difference in the world.”

mercredi 17 décembre 2014


Acceptance. To accept one self to accept the others in their differences. I realize that I'm judgemental and snob. Like Anais Nin said we don't see things how they are but how we are. It's not because we don't understand something that It must be wrong and even so, if it is wrong, everybody is entitled to their won experiences. Who am I to be the judge and decide how things should be. And If the persons are happy how can I look down on their happiness. How can I take the right to critic their happiness, who they should love, how they should love etc. how they should live. Acceptance. It's not enough to say it but we have to put into place. Not easy. I thought somehow that I had the right to judge certain people, who never did anything to me, on their lack of education, their looks, how they loved, how they lived. But I realize that everything is needed. The good and the bad. The beautiful and the ugly, the stupid and the intelligent, the old and the young. And It's not because, I'm climbing up that I can look down on people who remain on the ground. That's a big mistake. Vanity and Ego. In contrary the more I move forward the more I should be able to embrace it all. Embrace the fact that not everybody is attracted to the same things as me, not everybody lives their relation the same way as me, and not everybody lives their life like me. And I think the more I'll put that thought in practice the more love will come to me, the more open I'll will be, the more positive energy I'll be sending and sharing. 

lundi 8 décembre 2014

Peace comes from within

All is necessary. 

I wanna write about topics I wrote about before: balance , connecting the dots and on the fact that everything is necessary. 

I spent most of my younger years being an extremist person. I was only happy in excess. Excess of sex, excess of drugs, excess of partying, dancing. I was only happy when I was on the verge of death, living my life at extra speed. I was ultra hyper, always stoned from morning to night and from night to morning. I claimed myself to be a black hole. I could take as much drugs as I wanted, mixing whatever came by, LSD at first than extasy, coke, GHB, weed, heroin whatever. I told a friend that I when I took drugs I wanted to feel like I got hit by a train. I was a poly toxicomane but I never liked alcohol maybe that's what saved me. I didn't like to lose my inhibitions. I liked to be in control. Completely stoned but totally in control. I had many lovers to pass time. Some stayed in my memory, most I forgot. They were touching my skin not my soul. Like grain of sands in my hands. Those were extreme times, wild times, push to the limits. I thought I lived in technicolor and everybody else was in black and grey, beige even. I was the real thing, not a wannabe, couldn't care less about the fashion, the in. I was not a follower. Very few people made me want to come back on earth. I wanted to stay up in the sky, among the stars. The world as it was didn't interest me, the humans in it didn't interest me. They were happy on the ground in their mediocrity not asking more than what was offered to them. I dreamt of a big clean up, explosions and bombs. Starting new, my cult movie was Natural born killers. I envy the liberty of Mickey and Mallory to kill anyone who annoyed them. Sometimes on the dance floor I pretended to kill the boys who wanted to dance with me. Making them disappear with my indifference. Living by them but without them. Living by their desire on me, nourishing myself from it and because of it being able to live without even looking at them. Playing the indifference. When the superficial is so natural that you forget that it is made up. La coquette. 
But in all these years, I always followed my heart. My nature. It was who I was. What you see is what you get. I wasn't pretending to be somebody I wasn't. I could never pretend.
These times are long time gone. I'm back on earth and happy to be on it. I don't take drugs anymore. I even stopped smoking weed recently. I feel so much better, my mind so much clearer. I reached that point. Finally. I came a long way. I worked on myself everyday to get there. Introspection, review, critics. I'm not saying that I have arrived but my vibes changed. I feel calm. I would have never thought I would feel calm one day. I was more intense than calm. I was like a lion in a cage, like a tornado, a monster, calm was not part of who I was. And now I can say I feel calm, at peace, good in my head, good in my mind, good in my body. I'm not saying either that I won't be making anymore mistakes for sure I will, I'm far away from perfect. But I feel at peace. I can stay home, not talking to anyone, listening to music and I feel fine. 
I feel I can let myself flow on the flow of life. Trusting and peaceful. 
I realize now that everything was necessary. It was a long and difficult road but I never gave up. I always walked forward, toward the light. Everything prepares us to what's to come. Because of what I have lived I'm ready to live what I'm experiencing now. Confidently and peacefully. I reached a certain balance, a certain middle ground. I'll repeat what Steve Jobs said: he said that we can only connect the dots going backward never forward. I reached another level. Let's see where it takes me. I have my mind, my heart and my soul wide open.  At peace at last. 

samedi 6 décembre 2014


The word for the month of december will be love and the honorary member of the month will be Madonna because of her social involvement with "art for revolution", her schools in Malawi and because of what she represents as a strong, confident and fuck you kind of woman and mother.

What is love. I don't know. 
Can I say that I was truly in love in the past, I don't know either. 
Was I in love, with the idea of love, maybe. How do we know when we're truly in love. Is jealousy part of love, possession, being in need. I don't think so. I think love is about chemistry: being on the same vibes, surfing the same wave. I think we can't experience love unless we find our true nature and unless we're at peace with ourselves. For me, love can only exist when we're able to let go of the ego so the relation is not a combat between 2 powers but two souls embracing each other. Love is about not to be scared to give in. Love is about trust. Love is about opening ourselves and willingly putting ourselves in a vulnerable position because love is about abandon. 
There's of course universal love. Love towards humanity, towards our fellowman. After all, love is about spreading the good vibes, spreading good energy, being nice, doing good. Love transcends colour, race, sexual orientation, gender and religion. 
Ultimately, love is the most sacred and beautiful of all human emotions. Love is the most powerful of all the human vibrations. And i believe that love will always win in the end. 


mardi 18 novembre 2014

the sacred vs the profane

What we are seeing today in the world, our world, is the conflict between the sacred world and the profane world. The sacred world of the Orient versus the profane world of the Occident. A world ruled by the laws of God and a world ruled by the laws of men. In the Occident, we slowly moved out from the rules of the Church and separated the religion from the state. We then killed God, sort to speak, and put ourselves in his place. Founding our societies on constitution and the chief of the state being elected by men and representing men. In contrary we see, mainly in the Middle-East, now the exact contrary with the rise of extremist islam. The state and religion are two sides of the same coin. They claim that the states have to be based on God's law and not on men's rule. God speaks and men follow without opposition because who can oppose God's will. Who's there to say that God's words are to be contested. Who can claim to be above God. 
I think the rise of extremism in religion and the fact that a lot of occidentals are fighting next to the jihadists is due on one part to, what I explain in a previous post, the emptiness of the soul created by a society not only based on consumerism but who value consumption like the new religion. Secondly, because men killed God, he's in charge of his own destiny, he's responsible for his own happiness, he has to decide what's good and what's not, it became arbitrary. Reality and normality became arbitrary, and anything and everything is possible. Some can navigate well in this chaos, some rise above, some just follow without thinking, but some are lost. They search for a meaning of life that disappear with the end of God. They want to be guided without doubt and the only concept that can guide you without doubt is dogma in religion. Because as I said, who are we, as simple human, to question the words of God ?
Two worlds are face to face, one that is ready to sacrifice it's own people in the name of power and money and the other one is ready to sacrifice it's own people in the name of God. 
Of course, I can't agree with the islamist extremism as a human and as a woman. Extremism is never good. But we're going nowhere either way. 

I believe in balance. We have to find a way in the middle. Go back to the source. Find our truth. Turn within. Oblivious but aware. 
Spirituality by it's essence can't impose itself on others. With spirituality comes acceptance and tolerance for what is different. Spirituality is love and not terror, spirituality is sharing and not possessing. 
So the idea is to keep the spirit, keep believing in a better world, keep doing what's right and what's good. Keep spreading love. 1 love. Step by step, moment to moment. From now to now. Conscious and aware. Peaceful creator of a new world order, all in our own way. All pieces of a bigger picture that we can't yet see. All necessary to the whole. 

The year of the sheep 2015

2015: year of the sheep  

#mbrtrb The Sheep (Goat) is a Yin energy, a symbol of Peace, Harmonious co-existence and Tranquility. That is the primary and fundamental mood for this year. Though there are cries for War and a countdown is soon to begin, if any almanac serves me well – War will be averted and a period of mending and compromise will be undertaken to ensure Peace is maintained.

The Sheep is the symbol of the Arts. It relates to passive and nurturing times. It will help the healing process with regard to past events caused by individuals who have little respect for the human race or life itself. It will be a year of banding together in faith and in belief that good will prevail and win out over the forces that refuse to comply to a peaceful way of life. For those who trust in goodness, happiness and success will follow.

The emphasis will be on joining forces in order to fight the evil and destruction that has been brewing. With the planet Saturn into the sign Scorpio and the planet Pluto in its long stay in the sign Capricorn, there will be greater concern with structure, getting back to basics and using greater intuition to find solutions to problems that have been plaguing the world for some time.

Much will depends on this – the balance of international economy and social harmony is in peace. The call for war is not a step to be taken lightly. Though sabers are rattling on either side, as the calming vapours of the Sheep year spreads over the Nations, sentiments will be kindled and wisdom will prevail. Fate will send emissaries to change the faces of aggression towards a more Peaceful compromise. It does not kill the doubts, anger or desire for violence, but it puts a blanket of constrain over it.

samedi 15 novembre 2014

Satisfaction vs fulfilment

What I want to address is the notion of satisfaction through material things against the notion of the fulfilment of the soul.

Instant satisfaction, our commercial society is based on it. Happiness through consumption. I buy this dress, I feel good about myself, I'm happy. But the feeling of happiness goes away fast. The fulfilment was instant but it's a superficial feeling, it goes away like smoke. The same thing with drugs. Baudelaire use to call them artificial paradise which is exactly what it is. 
I buy the dress I'm happy for a while but that feeling disappear fast once I'm used to it so I want another one and another and another. Because that happiness is based on emptiness on something superficial that can't fulfil the soul. 
That's why the people who based their happiness on what they have and not on what they are, are often sad and sour because they're constantly unsatisfied. Running after a mirage. 

When you fulfil the soul by doing meditation, yoga, praying, exercising, walking, creating, or even just breathing the feeling comes from within. Suddenly you need less and feel more. You liberate yourself from the toxins and you turn yourself inside instead of being outside. 

The difficulty is that we exist by the eyes of others and we define ourselves with the eyes of others. Often by buying certain things, we establish our social status. We gain assurance by having certain luxury items that attract envy and desire. The more eyes turn on us the more we fell powerful.
The idea is to be confident because of who we are and not because of what we have. Attract the eyes of others because of who we are and not because of what we have. And that only the strong succeed to do it. To live by the others without the others. Because of a certain way of being or a certain attitude, because of certain freedom that we exhale, independence and individuality. By our strength of being. 

I'm not saying that we should say no to all comfort and beautiful things. Me the first, love beauty, but we shouldn't define ourselves by it. Enjoy it but not put our own being into it. We are not objects how expensive they can be, but human beings. We shouldn't get blinded by the glitters and the shining and be slaves of fake satisfactions. What is left if we take all the external additions, are we left with an empty shell ?

To be rich is not having the choice to go on vacation or not, or to buy that dress or not, to be rich is to have the choice to be who we want to be and to be courageous enough to live our truth. We have to aim for the soul. We have to aim for the fulfilment of the soul. Being somebody just because we are. I remember a song that use to play in clubs in the 90s, everybody wants to be somebody, and I was singing in my head, everybody is somebody because they are. I am because I am. I am because we are. 

dimanche 2 novembre 2014


So It's november. I didn't think of a honorary member or a word for the month of november. Normally they come to me naturally and now strangely I have to make an effort. I gonna name Robert Reich honorary member for november. I just watched the documentary Inequality for all and I strongly support Robert Reich actions to promote a higher minimal salary, access to a higher level of education, low university fees etc to create a strong middle class and minimize the gap between the rich and the poor that grows bigger every year. For instance, in the documentary he says that 400 american hold the same wealth as half of the US population.
The word for november will be Equality to continue on the same idea. the a better distribution of wealth. Equality between men and women. Equality between races. Equality for all.
I watched also the Gatekeepers loved it. It's the interview of ex heads of the Shin Beth and the story of the fight against terrorism from the Six Days War to today. Like one said a terrorist for one side is a freedom fighter for the other.

Members of the Tribe wants to make a social impact with a different type of street wear: simple but powerful, blunt, down to the point, political, inappropriate, in your face, far away from the stereotypical messages we see now either hyper-sexual or just plain vulga

dimanche 12 octobre 2014

¨Photoshoot edited pictures

Edited pictures
Thanks to the kids Sano, Frank, Chloé, William, Alison
Christopher Morrison photograph

Karma is a peculiar thing

What else. I won in court friday against all odds that was nice. Felt like a miracle. Life has it's own rythme. Friday the 10th I went at la cour municipale de Montréal to contest a noise ticket I had from my neighbour. I seat in the courtroom with my little one. The judge comes. The prosecutor says all the files they have. The judge tells the prosecutor to meet each of us to discuss of our file. When she comes to me she hands me my file and I look and I think it doesnt look good. It says that I slammed the door at the face of the constable, the dog was barking, they could hear the noise from outside. But i decide to pursue since I'm there I have nothing to lose, She says I have to present my case in front of the judge.  When its my turn the judge looks at my files and says to the prosecutor that my previous tickets are there that they have nothing to do with the case and hes not supposed to see that and ask her to talk to me and leave. The prosesutor tells the judge my mistake I'm sorry my mistake. Anyhow she had to acquit me because of that. Westmount were greedy put everything and it went right back in their face: In your face clown. Thats what I call Karma Miracle :)
I always said life has it's own ryhtme I say furthermore the universe has it's own rythme. 

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

What's new pussy cat ?

To have confidence in what you're worth and your possibilities. I have a business and I'm pushing it. Building my confidence. What if I could make it. I love my product. It's a good quality product. I love wearing my t-shirts I find them very cool and neat and down to the point. Gildan soft and fitted quality Montreal Cie and produced by Touchez another Montreal Cie. 
Anyhow let's see where it goes step by step moment to moment. 
We have to trust our own madness.

samedi 27 septembre 2014


The word of October will be magic. The honorary member will be Leonardo Di Caprio. First of all, funnily when i answered the questions of one of those quiz on Facebook about who would play the role of my life in a movie, i got Leonardo Di Caprio and I'm sure I answered woman to the question are you a woman or a man. So it was quite strange and flattering. Leonardo di Caprio I have no objection to that. But of course, it is mostly because Leonardo Di Caprio, lately, has made himself noticed by taking position on ecological issues and donating money through his foundation to different earth oriented charities like tto whom Ill donate 10% of my eventual profits. 
(I chose Oceana because water touches all living creatures and because I'm a beach girl by nature) 
So Leonardo Di Caprio it is. And even though, I'm not a beard person I love the new look. He almost looks like he's part of the first nations. Very spiritual looking. 
The word of October will be magic. Because Magic is in the air. Can you feel it ?
There's a movement and it's growing. I can feel it. Do you believe in fate Mallory ? Natural born killers. I think I like that movie because of that line. I always believe in fate, in a purpose. That's the way it is but sometimes it goes the other way around too. True Romance. and you're so cool. I'm a lover not a fighter. 1 love. Love is louder. Love is the movement. Spread the love, feel the magic in the air.
Because the movement is growing and it comes from within. 

dimanche 21 septembre 2014


Libra is coming in 2 days. 

The idea is balance. Balance between the opposites. The positive and the negative. I had two answers in my life on the statement of being lost. Once 20 years ago, a friend asked me how I was doing and I answered: I'm drifting away pointing to the marinière top I was wearing. He replied: Since I've known you you've been drifting away. Maybe a year ago I told another friend that i got lost for a while. He said: it's good to be lost. I said as long as you find your way back. So balance is to walk this fine line right in the center where the positive join the negative. Because everything is necessary. Without the negative we wouldn't push ourselves further we would stagnate. The 2 forces are needed to move us forward. The negative as a mean to go further not as an end result of course. I think even at the times I was the most disconnected I never lost touch with my true values of authenticity, consistency, reliability, solidity, respect and ultimately love. When we reach that balance, once we find our vibe, than only than we can truly fly and than not even the sky is the limit.