dimanche 27 mars 2016

About Change

With the creation of the world came time and therefore change. Change is in the essence of the creation of the universe. It was born within it. 
Furthermore, everything is ever changing and likewise we can change at anytime of our life. 
Are we conscious of our life or are we simply floating wherever the current takes us...Reacting to actions instead of provoking the action, the movement. 
Change is constant, from the day we are born to the moment we die. Nonetheless, we often find, that it hurts to change. It almost feel unnatural, against nature. That's why, in order to truly transform, we have come to a time when we don't have a choice but to change. The situation gives us no other option. We either rise or we fall. 
The idea, is to accept change as part of the natural process of transformation and to accept challenges as opportunities. 
Not easy.
Not easy to accept a situation where we were thrown without asking for it. The ego is touched. Our pride, our illusion of control. 
But there is no true growth without humility and there is no true growth without deep inner change.

#change #ego #reflection #growth #spiritual

lundi 21 mars 2016

The Good and the Bad or the Other and the Ego

To do the right thing means not to act for me but to act for the other. The act can look like the same but the intentions are not. For example, 2 people go to the gym, one do it to show off, for his ego, the other do it to be in good shape, for his body not for himself. 

We have within us the duality of other and ego. Most of men, only the most righteous live otherwise, struggle to distinguish and to choose one from the other. Are the others used as a reflection of our own self ? Are they there for us or are we there for them. The ego wants to be noticed, to be recognized. 
To do the right thing means to act out of selfishness. For you and not for me. 
Are our relationships turning around us or opened to the other. Self-motivation or contribution. Sharing or keeping. 
Only in the moments of sharing can we experience real happiness. 

The whole universe was created on a binomial axion. The sky and the earth, proton and neutron, matter and antimatter, our own body: 2 legs, 2 hands etc., female and male, good and bad, body and soul. Our soul made out of the animal soul and the godly soul, container and recipient. The only absolute one is G-d or the light or however you wanna call it. Even computers are based on twos as well...

Once we rise above our inner struggle, our inner chaos, we can reach a level even higher than the state of someone who never had to go through that struggle, who was born already above. 

mercredi 16 mars 2016

Transformation and courage

It is said that in order to change we have to reach the bottom. Transformation can't began otherwise. Change is very difficult. Most of the time, life has to leave us no choice in order for us to change. 
There's an analogy with the seed by Osho:
"The seed cannot know what is going to happen, the seed has never known the flower. And the seed cannot even believe that he has the potentiality to become a beautiful flower. Long is the journey, and it is always safer not to go on that journey because unknown is the path, nothing is guaranteed."
The same with us. Often, we are afraid to change because change means going into the unknown. It is much easier to keep safe in the status quo. It may be uncomfortable or we may feel that things need to be different but it is our comfort zone and that comfort zone we know. 
The same with the seed. The seed is fine in the soil. It is warm and secure. In order to become a flower, it has to grow through the ground and leave the comfort of her place, but only then, will she be able to become what she was suppose to be, and feel the wind and the warmth of the sun. 
Before she was in darkness but she didn't know. Only when she's forced out, she can discovers the light and become a flower.
The same with the baby coming out of his mother wound, the caterpillar becoming the butterfly or anything who goes through transformation. 
We need this passage into the nothingness in order to build something new. 
We have to let go of the past. Say goodbye. Mourn on what has been and rejoice on what will be. Not easy. Especially when we have no idea of what is ahead. We need to take the steps forward and walk on trust and faith. Let go of the fear and have courage. 

Meditate, pray.
Like Columbus said: You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose the sight of the shore

mercredi 9 mars 2016

late women's day post and else

The only thing I would like to post on women's day  is that I find it very strange and sad to see women either naked or in very little apparel being portrayed as strong women or women in charge. I find it quite to be the contrary. If we are truly strong as women, we have no need to show our body as a proof of it. It is funny to see what is suppose to be sacred is exposed now to everyone everywhere like it or not. It is pollution of the sight. We are becoming so used to it that when I ask my daughter to watch the lyrics of a video instead of the video showing asses or breasts of girls dancing in bikinis, my daughter didn't understand why... I don't want to sound like an uptight prude but there is no more respect for the women's body on the undercover of women's power. Women has to take control of their body again. It is one thing to undress yourself in a strip club it is another to simply show your naked self on Instagram or else. If you know what I mean. Nakedness is not for the public place. And I mean it even more for women who are mothers and have to set an example for their children especially their girls. 
Those selfies are becoming a true sickness. The sickness of Narcisse. Certain people I guess are so empty in their own life that the only way they feel they exist is by the likes they get on social medias. It is very depressing when you think about it. 

Otherwise I think that it is great that we live in the time of the Geek rule because one of my daughter wants to be a scientist.  

I find a place. Now I have to find a job. 

Instagram is moving forward 184 followers. Slowly but little by little day after day. 

When people use to ask me what I did in life: I use to answer...I live, it keeps me busy.

I thought about, why I find myself in the kind of situations I'm in and I came to the conclusion that I like difficulties, because I'm an adventurer. The paved light up roads don't interest me. I'm scared I'll be bored, and boredom is death for me. 


vendredi 4 mars 2016

Spiritual growth and other things


Spiritual growth shouldn't be born solely of a self-centered impulse, spiritual growth like anything in life should turned outward to the others. Spiritual growth is real growth when it transforms someone into a better person, not for my his or her own benefit, but to that someone is a better parent, better friend, better sibling, better person. Spiritual growth doesn't mean anything otherwise. If not, turned turned toward the outside. If not, it flows in closed circuit. It is sterile. The energy has to spread outward to contribute to the making of a better world. If not it is wasted energy. Useless. Respect doesn't mean anything if you only respect yourself, it you are not ready to like the others like yourself. 
If I am not for me who will be if I am only for me what am I, if not now, when

jeudi 3 mars 2016

Colours and other things

I added colours to MBRTRB this summer season for the new RESPECT tee. Blue and red, pink and green and red and yellow. Of course white and black are still available. 

Respect for ourselves, for others, for the world and nature around us. We are the caretakers of the earth. We are each of us, responsible for each others. We are all in it together. Our actions affect the whole. Our good actions, good words, good thoughts, bring light upon the world and our bad actions, bad words, bad thoughts bring darkness upon the world. 
Respect means accept the differences, the divergence, the uniqueness. We all are from the same soul. Everyone is essential together. Every being is essential to the whole. The same goes for every rocks, every grains of sand, every drops of water, every stars in the sky. 
Respect for our bodies, our values, our inner soul. How we show ourselves to the world. Have we truly looked inside ourselves...Do we truly lived for what we stand for?

It is not a state of thinking
Respect is a state of being

white sheep follow black sheep think pink sheep fly

Total respect