vendredi 7 août 2015


If I let go of my fear and I open freely my mind I can fly very high. I use to fly so high that almost noone gave me an incentive to stay on earth. Disconnected. Wild. Les voies de Dieu sont impénétrables. Souvent je n'y comprends rien. Moi si j'y tenais mal mon rôle c'était de ni comprendre rien. No stress est ma nouvelle politique. It's all good. I'm thinking I must have done something good somewhere. I took great care of my grand father and my great aunt. I was very close to my maternal grand-mother the one who married a christian Palestinian. She was like a mother to me. Took me in twice. Loved her fourth husband Saul Cohen a Franc Maçon my confident, my mentor. When she passed away I decided to go back to judaism and my daughters with me since they were jewish by birth the same as me. No need for conversion. I asked the rabbi one question: does judaism believe in the transmutation of the soul. He said yes and I thought this was home. So when she passed away, I took care of her sister Jouji, older sister who lived the Second World War as a Hungarian jew and hid and went to camp with husband and her parents. It was the end of the war Auschwitz was taken by the Russians, no more convoy were sent, they survived. Jouji was a very strong head woman. No bullshit with Jouji. She was a tough cookie. Never had children. Only dogs and canaris all named Hansel.I stayed at the emergency with her praying that she wouldn't die but every time she came back. She passed away at 95. She was a brilliant woman very spoiled, raised by mademoiselle. Her cousin took care of her financially from the time her husband died until she passed away. Half of her life. She told me once: Never give up. I learned a lot from her. Always love older people when they're intelligent of course. Love the old people of my family. They're from a time that will never come back. 

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