mercredi 17 décembre 2014


Acceptance. To accept one self to accept the others in their differences. I realize that I'm judgemental and snob. Like Anais Nin said we don't see things how they are but how we are. It's not because we don't understand something that It must be wrong and even so, if it is wrong, everybody is entitled to their won experiences. Who am I to be the judge and decide how things should be. And If the persons are happy how can I look down on their happiness. How can I take the right to critic their happiness, who they should love, how they should love etc. how they should live. Acceptance. It's not enough to say it but we have to put into place. Not easy. I thought somehow that I had the right to judge certain people, who never did anything to me, on their lack of education, their looks, how they loved, how they lived. But I realize that everything is needed. The good and the bad. The beautiful and the ugly, the stupid and the intelligent, the old and the young. And It's not because, I'm climbing up that I can look down on people who remain on the ground. That's a big mistake. Vanity and Ego. In contrary the more I move forward the more I should be able to embrace it all. Embrace the fact that not everybody is attracted to the same things as me, not everybody lives their relation the same way as me, and not everybody lives their life like me. And I think the more I'll put that thought in practice the more love will come to me, the more open I'll will be, the more positive energy I'll be sending and sharing. 

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