samedi 23 août 2014

Can you feel it ?

To create a community united by the same vibe. Not by religion, not by race, not by sex or sexual orientation but by the same vibe. 
349 likes on MBRTRB soon 350 ! It's growing. 
On soundcloud twitter and instragram. Slowly step by step. 
I love the internet because it allows me to move the information around with no cost and fast. It also allows me to connect with people from all over the world. It's kind of magical. 
So let's start a movement, a love movement, a peaceful movement, a community united by the same vibe, the good vibe. Respectful of all living creatures. 
Let's forget about our differences our political stands and let's focus on what really matter. Let's move beyond and above and forward. 
let's start a love revolution. Are you up to it ?

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