mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Partnership has ended on a good note

The partnership ended on a common accord. Im too much ahead to start with someone new. We were on the same vibes but our aesthetic is not the same. So everything stays the same. The pink sheep remains solo. No black. Anyone who's affected in his manhood by the pink sheep Im sorry. The font stays the same. Although some changes I keep. The french version of about us, the Montreal charities, Sun Youth and old Brewery and the price at 25$. We exchanged very well for 2 weeks. It was good for me to have another point of view and I went along with it for a while. But I have to stay true to me. Because the concept comes from me. And Jamie, my web designer, God bless him whos also a genius, and I we worked on every detail together. It's my eternal insecurity. For a while I didn't trust myself because I'm a woman and I thought the point view of a man was predominant. What can I do years of brainwashing. Nonetheless it was worthwhile. We learn from everything if we listen well. So first production when I come back from Florida. No rush. 
Dissident for 2015: Nemtsov

The assassination of Boris Nemtsov, a Russian statesman and politician opposed to the government of Vladimir Putin, happened in central Moscow on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge at 23:31 local time on 27 February 2015.[4] An unknown assailant fired seven or eight shots; four of them hit Nemtsov in the head, heart, liver and stomach, killing him almost instantly. He died hours after appealing to the public to support a march against Russia's war in Ukraine.[5]

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