mardi 3 mai 2016

Be within stay above

We moved to our new place. It is new. It is the first time we live in such anew and clean place. Feels amazing. It's coming along. The frames are almost all up. Need to buy few things and we're done. Thank God for my dad's help. Even though it hurts my ego to have to rely yet on his help again. 
Anyway our place looks great. 
Change is hard but now that it is done I wonder why did I wait so long? Why did I have to be forced to change to change. Life gives us what we need, God or whatever you want to call him, her, the light, the spiritual force, whatever, gives us what we need, good or bad. And we have to live up to the moment, not thinking it is about me, us, but it's about growing turning to the others. And in order to truly change I had to change my way of life. It is a never ending project. A started it many many years ago. Since I can remember. I had to go down to go up again. Slowly, one step at the time. Taking few steps back and back forward again. The main thing is never to give up. Never feel so sorry we can't move anymore, to center around or belly bottom, poor me, it's unfair, life isn't just etc. The idea is to use that moment of despair to rise by transforming the situation into a growing situation ending up higher than where we began. 
Humility is the key. I thought I could do it alone, that I didn't need a man. I know now that I need a man, that I can't do it alone. I need a true partner, a committed partner. Someone my kids will be proud to see me with. I can't think of myself only. I have to think of my children and what example I give them as a woman, as a mother. 
Life is a learning process. 
And I always loved to learn.
Be within Stay above

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