samedi 8 mars 2014

La grande bellezza

Out of the winter boredom of Montreal and the impossibility of traveling, i was in need of mental and cultural stimulations. I decided to rent movies at the local library everything in Italian with English subtitles. Never been in Italy, actually i crossed it by train centuries ago to Brindisi to take the boat for Greece but never visited it. 
So out of boredom and feeling stuck i decided to rent italian movies as a way of cheap traveling. I fell under the charm of the esthetic of the italian cinema. The conformist by Bertolucci is an absolute piece of art. 
La Grande Bellezza is in the continuity of this kind of esthetic and sophistication. i fell in love with the protagonist of the movie Jep, the music, the images, Rome, the places, this beautiful apartment right in front of the coliseum, the perfection of the dialogues that i wish i would know by heart, the choice of the actors, above all, the theme which is, among the banality and the ordinary ugliness of life, there is once in a while, those moments of absolute beauty which makes it worth to be alive. I didnt want the movie to end, i didnt want Jep to leave me, i wanted to stay in Rome with him. 

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